Last night I spent some time journaling and goal setting for the next 12 months. I don’t know if you journal or talk about your goals, but I can tell you it is a powerful thing to do.
At the start of 2022 my husband was getting ready to embark on the journey of starting his own business. We did lots of journaling exercises together around this busy and energetic season. But there were two things that had a really powerful impact on his results.
He wrote down his goals for this new season. There were four and they were simple, specific and exciting. After he wrote them down those goals all came to fruition very quickly.
I wrote some words of encouragement for my husband on the whiteboard in our office. It said: There is power in beginning. I wrote it up high and gigantic. It was a reminder that beginning is the key to all success.
When I was writing my goals last night I suddenly realised, I need to write that message for myself now. So here it is:
Gemma, there is power in beginning.
Start now. Don’t wait. Don’t hold off. Don’t ask more questions. Don’t listen to the inner turmoil. Don’t allow the saboteurs to tell you that you can’t, you shouldn’t, it isn’t the right time. Turn those voices down. Stop listening to them. Trust that you know exactly what to do next and that you must begin.
Come from your goals
Then I looked at my goals and I knew I needed to adjust them. They were written with the goal as a destination somewhere I had to get to. I know that language is powerful so instead of having a goal say something like: I want to have more time to rest. I would change it to say: I have more time to rest. This shifts the entire goal and suddenly I am coming to the journey from the goal.
Next I needed to find the goal that superseded all the others. The goal that would open up the biggest transformation for me. I took that goal and I got to work getting creative about what I could do to begin.
Coaching is about insights
Then, today I had a coaching session and in that session I brought this goal. The goal gained momentum. I talked about it, I explored my thinking with my coach who challenged me to think deeper and wider. I gained an important insight that has left me with options, potential, energy and drive.
If you want to start something in your life, start by defining it as a simple list of goals and then remember, there is power in beginning.