It can happen at any point and for a variety of reasons. At some point in family life we almost all feel the weight of feeding a family on our shoulders. That daily reminder that we need to go shopping, that we are throwing more food away and buying things that are convenient but expensive. That meal we planned but didn’t cook or the food that our kids don’t like so we have to avoid. It can all add up to a sense of feeling stuck in the kitchen.
Are you feeling stuck
Maybe you feel like you have no routine, maybe going back to work after having children has thrown your whole schedule. Are your children refusing foods, are you trying to cook different meals at different times to accommodate everyone. Maybe you hate cooking but you want your children to eat better.
Whatever is going on in your life it is likely impacting how you feed your family. If you are struggling with this daily responsibility it might be time to think about stepping back and assessing what is/isn’t working and how you want to welcome some change.
How to get unstuck
This is a three part exercise designed to give you a structure to think within. It is not a quick fix, I wont give you three tips to success, in fact, I wont give you tips. I believe that the first part of getting unstuck is thinking and understanding from a place of intention.
You don’t need much to get started. A pen, paper and some time on your own to think. We are all under different pressures, we all have different lifestyles so this exercise is not about looking out for inspiration but looking in for understanding.
You can do these Getting unstuck in the kitchen exercises in your own time, all at once, split over a few days and you can return to them again and again. Go at your own pace and try to be intentional and open.
Part 2 – Designing something new
Part 3 – Alignment and conflict
If you have questions about this exercise, get in touch