Weigh out your dry ingredients and sift them into a bowl. I always sift my dry ingredients twice in this recipe. Give the dry ingredients a stir and set aside.
In another bowl add your butter and melt it. I melt mine in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. Your microwave might be different so keep an eye on it as you don't want it to burn.
In a large bowl add your milk and crack your egg into it. When the butter is melted add that too and give it all a gentle whisk.
Add your dry ingredients to the large bowl with the wet ingredients in and mix until it is just combined. It is really important not to overmix. Set the bowl aside.
Add a knob of butter to a non-stick frying pan and put it over a medium heat.
When the butter is sizzling spoon your pancake mix into the pan and gently manipulate the mixture to spread it a little bit wider. I make big pancakes and fewer of them. You can choose what size you want to make although I have tried smaller ones and they don't turn out as fluffy.
On a a low to medium heat, fry your pancake for about a minute. Keep your eye on it as you don't want it to burn. As the pancake is getting ready to turn you will see little bubbles forming on the surface of the batter. You can always have a sneak peek by gently lifting the pancake to see the other side.
The first side should be golden after about a minute. Adjust your heat to ensure it doesn't cook too quickly and burn. Gently turn the pancake using a spatular and cook for roughly the same time on the other side. The timings may vary if your pancake is thicker or thinner than mine. Use your judgment, no one wants a raw pancake in the centre.
I transfer my pancakes to the oven as soon as they are cooked. I set the oven to 50-70ºc just to keep them warm while I make the other pancakes and prepare the sides. You can make a few at a time in a bigger pan but my bigger pans have deeper sides making it a pain in the arse to flip.
Check out the video for tips to serve your pancakes with bacon and scrambled eggs - American style