I would eat homemade cranberry sauce year-round if I could. I love a good condiment, especially at Christmas, and I would never be without this beautiful cranberry sauce made by my sister. Growing up my two sisters didn’t help out in the kitchen as much as I did. They did cook, there was little choice. Where I was present at every meal, peeling, chopping, stirring and eventually taking a lead in the kitchen, my sisters managed to sneak off for some of the day-to-day cooking. My youngest sister Elizabeth managed to avoid most of the chores – such is the life of the baby!

Catalyst for creativity
Hayley is my middle sister, and she is a great cook. Leaving home and venturing off to university was the catalyst for her creative approach to food. She perhaps needed that space from her big sister and Mum to find her own food path. She had the foundation from home for sure, but coupled with her degree at The School of Art, MMU, and the great food on her doorstep in Manchester, she brought a new approach to cooking in our family.
For a start, Hayley was the first of my sisters to become Vegetarian which changed the way we thought about food as a family. She also brought beauty to her presentation of food. I have always admired her natural ability to arrange things with attention and detail. And she brought a very relaxed approach to cooking which makes for some splendid eats as well as last-minute experimentations.
Our Christmas traditions
From the age of 20, Hayley has made homemade cranberry sauce at Christmas for our family. It’s been a tradition that we have kept for years. Albeit she is always doing it last minute which is not my bag on Christmas Eve these days. Now that we have children I like to get as much done in advance of Christmas week as possible.
This year Hayley shared her recipe with Family Feed so, breaking tradition slightly, I have made the cranberry sauce this year. It is in the freezer ready for the big day, another first for us as we usually eat this fresh. I’ve tested it though and it is every bit as good. If you are making this fresh it will keep in the fridge for a week.

The boxing day sandwiches
There is nothing I look forward to more than putting together a tray of sandwiches from all the delicious Christmas leftovers for boxing day lunch. It’s hard to believe that Hayley’s homemade cranberry sauce could get any better than it’s place at the Christmas dinner table. This sandwich would, however, be a shadow of itself without it! Later in the evening, we will bring out cold cuts, cheeses, biscuits, pork pie, winter salads, fruit, nuts, dips and of course Hayley’s homemade cranberry sauce will take pride of place in that setting too. A few years ago I used it as a glaze for our ham – it was a hit with the whole family!

In 2021 Family Feed will be bringing you more of Hayley’s recipes which have a veggie/vegan focus and are really simple, wholesome recipes to feed your family.
I love spending time with both my sisters. Coming together over good food is something we have grown up with. This year we won’t be able to celebrate with our youngest sister which breaks our heart and will make the Christmas table feel somewhat empty without Elizabeth’s warmth and love. But I know that she will be celebrating with her fiancĂ©es family and we will raise a glass to them all in hope that 2021 will bring us all together again. And while we are at it we will be parcelling up lots of food for Elizabeth and Bec to enjoy at home. Sharing food will always be a symbol of love and connection in our family and we will hold on to that notion for Christmas 2020.
A cranberry connection
Throughout December we are sharing recipes that you can make and share with your loved ones. If you aren’t able to gather with the people you love this Christmas then maybe you can make small jars of homemade cranberry sauce as a loving contribution to their Christmas table.

Hayley’s Homemade Cranberry Sauce
- 500 g cranberries I couldn't get my hands on fresh cranberries this year so I have used frozen which work just as well.
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 1 star anise
- 3 cloves
- 150 – 200 g caster sugar I used 150g as I like it to still be a little sharp. If you prefer a sweeter taste then the additional sugar should do the job.
- 400 ml of red wine
- 1 orange
- Slice your orange into five. The middle three slices should be thick, these will go into the pan. You will need the juice from the two ends.
- In a slightly warmed pan (careful it's not hot as your sugar will burn) add your cinnamon sticks star anise and clothes and allow them to warm for 30 seconds
- Add your sugar and red wine. Give the pan a good stir until the sugar has dissolved
- Squeeze the juice from the two ends of orange into the pan
- Add the three slices of orange to the pan give it a stir and allow to simmer until the liquid has reduced by 50%.
- Remove the orange slices and set aside, then add your cranberries. Give them a stir and return the sliced orange.
- Cook until the mixture becomes thick and all of your cranberries have popped and broken down. This took around 15 minutes for me.
- Remove the orange slices from the pan, they should just be the rinds now as the rest of the orange will of cooked into the sauce. This year I removed the cinnamon sticks as well as I froze my sauce. I didn't bother removing the additional spices.
- Decant the sauce into a sterilise jar or a freezable tub (if you are making ahead). I froze mine in three and kept some in the fridge for the festive build up.If you are making this Christmas week you can store in the fridge for a week.
Get in touch to share your recipes and ideas with the Family Feed community and follow us on Instagram @familyfeedinsta