I hope that Family Feed encourages connection for you and your family.
I believe that the dinner table builds family and community. Sharing food with our community is an ancient practice of love, sanctuary and survival. As parents we have the opportunity to pass our practices, traditions and culture on to our children. Food feeds the soul.
I believe that time together around the table, eating a home cooked meal is a profound way to love and be loved.
I believe that there is joy in doing more of the things that fill your cup, being creative, taking your own path, trying something new, being open to play and experimentation, taking time out to rest, dream, plan and create.
In 2020 in the heart of the Covid-19 pandemic – with a new baby in my arms and a toddler by my side – I created Family Feed, with the help of my husband Jim, to be a creative project of sanctuary in early motherhood.
There isn’t much time in my life for Family Feed these days, but these recipes remain here as a reminder of the power of food and community and they act as inspiration for the weekly task of planning meals. I hope you find some of these recipes fit in to your life.

Get in touch to share your recipes and ideas with the Family Feed community and follow us on Instagram @familyfeedinsta